Are Universities and Professional Development Providers Ready for the Sustainability Demands of Zellenials?

Are Universities and Professional Development Providers Ready for the Sustainability Demands of Zellenials?

Are Universities and Professional Development Providers Ready for the Sustainability Demands of Zellenials?

August 2024, by Ettie Etela

If you read our insight blog regularly, it won’t be a surprise that sustainability is important to us. Our SDSS (Say Do Sustainability Study) has consistently shown that sustainability is at the forefront of Zellenials’ minds (Gen Z and younger Millennials). As many young people enjoy the summer before the start of a new term at university, we wanted to reflect on how important sustainability is for Zellenials in their higher education choices and further professional development.


The Active Shift in Sustainability Awareness

SDSS indicates a significant increase in sustainability awareness, primarily driven by Generation Z. The study shows that 80% of these young individuals are actively involved in sustainable practices, showing that they incorporate sustainable living into their daily routines, such as through recycling, energy conservation, and choosing eco-friendly products. Furthermore, 40% of these young adults expressed a strong desire to further enhance their environmental efforts. This shift influences all aspects of decision-making for this generation, including their approach to education and career goals.


The Importance of University Sustainability Efforts

Supporting our findings, a study by QS found that 79% of students felt it was very important for universities to reduce their environmental impact. This is a clear demonstration of the role that educational institutions play in advancing a sustainable future. As universities are often seen as leaders in innovation and progress, their commitment to sustainability can inspire and empower students to take action. Likewise, over half of the students interested in studying in the UK actively research universities’ sustainability strategies in their decision-making process. Students are no longer choosing universities based solely on academic reputation or campus facilities; they are also evaluating the institution’s commitment to sustainability.


Sustainability Over Location

The Times Higher Education survey showed that students ranked a university’s commitment to sustainability higher than its location when deciding where to apply. There is a shift in priorities among the younger generation, who are increasingly valuing environmental and social sustainability over traditional factors. This signals a broader cultural change among young people who see sustainability as integral to their identity and future.


Courses with Sustainability Content

There is also a growing demand for sustainability-focused academic content. A survey by the Higher Education Academy found that 60% of students are interested in courses that include sustainability content. Students are looking for universities that practice sustainability and also for programs that incorporate sustainable principles into their curriculum. This demand for sustainability content reflects a desire to be part of the solution and to contribute to creating a more sustainable world.


What Educators Need to Know

The focus on sustainability among Generation Z individuals is a fundamental shift in values that influences their educational and professional choices. As students prepare to return to university, the importance of sustainability in their decision-making process is clear. To stay relevant, universities and businesses are under pressure to recognise and support this shift and communicate their positive impact more effectively. Institutions and education providers need to understand how to align their strategies with the values of the younger generation, and research can help in this understanding.


Understanding The Role of Sustainability For Young Adults And Professionals

At MM-Eye, we understand sustainability’s critical role in the lives of students and future professionals. Our commitment to providing insights into sustainability trends helps educational institutions and businesses align their strategies with the values of the younger generation. Our Say Do Sustainability Study provides valuable insights into the changing priorities of the next generation, and we are dedicated to helping organisations leverage these insights to create meaningful change.

If you are interested in learning more about our Say Do Sustainability Study and how it can inform your strategies, contact us today at or use the form below to book a consultation.