Are Bots Ruining Your Surveys? Here’s How We Catch Them!

Are Bots Ruining Your Surveys? Here’s How We Catch Them!

Are Bots Ruining Your Surveys? Here’s How We Catch Them!

October 2024, by Hayley Kingston

At MM-Eye, our mission is to help our clients make informed business decisions by investigating what really matters to their customers, employees and stakeholders. We rely heavily on the quality of the data we collect to ensure that we can provide tangible, accurate insights for our clients.

One of the biggest challenges faced by the market research industry at the moment is ensuring the quality of the data we collect. We see fraudulent respondents undertaking surveys and developing technologies, including AI and Language Models, that are used by bots and click farms, meaning that we need to be even more vigilant and stringent with our quality control checks.

To ensure the data we collect is free from sub-par or fraudulent responses, we have established various techniques for “weeding out” these responses at different stages of the data collection process. Firstly, at the survey completion stage, we can implement red herring questions in our surveys, designed to catch respondents who are not paying attention to ensure that respondents are actively reading the questions. In addition to these, we can implement straightlining checks to flag when respondents select the same answer for most or all questions within a survey, as this indicates that they may not be providing attentive responses.

Looking at respondent behaviour is another way we can ensure the reliability of our data during data collection. Several behavioural indicators help us identify whether respondents are providing thoughtful and accurate answers or simply rushing through surveys. For example, the time it takes for a respondent to complete a survey is a strong indicator of response quality. We have an idea of how long a survey should take to complete, so respondents who complete too quickly may not be paying attention or completing the survey appropriately. Therefore, we implement speeder checks in our surveys, screening out responses that fall below a reasonable threshold of completion time.

As well as filtering out low-quality responses within the survey completion, we conduct thorough and ongoing checks throughout the fieldwork period on our open-ended questions. These checks are an essential part of our process to ensure that our data is clean, accurate, and reliable.

Every day, our team manually reviews all open-ended verbatim responses to identify fraudulent responses, bots, or individuals who have not taken the survey seriously. Some of the things we look for are gibberish/keyboard spam, nonsensical answers that do not answer the question we’re asking, and answers that have been copied from the internet or generated by an AI model.

In addition to checking open-ended responses daily, we perform a comprehensive review of the entire dataset weekly. This includes a deep dive into both open-ended and closed-ended questions, using our years of experience to identify broader patterns that could indicate data issues or whether bots/click farm respondents are present.

Maintaining data quality is an ongoing and ever-changing process that requires a combination of preventative measures, real-time checks, and regular reviews. By monitoring respondent behaviour, implementing tools to weed out poor quality responses, and conducting daily and weekly checks, we ensure that the data we collect is both reliable, trustworthy and accurate.

Our goal at MM-Eye is to deliver actionable insights that inform critical business decisions, and these rigorous processes ensure that we achieve that goal with data that we and our clients can trust.

If you’re interested in learning more about our data quality solutions and how they can benefit your business, contact us today at or use the form below to book a consultation.


World Mental Health Day: Building a Positive Workplace

World Mental Health Day: Building a Positive Workplace

World Mental Health Day: Building a Positive Workplace

October 2024, by Katie Brown

World Mental Health Day is a time to think about the importance of well-being, both at work and in our personal lives. Did you know that 1 in 4 people around the world will experience a mental health problem at some stage in their lives? This shows how common it is, yet many people still struggle in silence. In fact, mental health issues are said to cost UK employers £51 billion every year due to lower productivity. That’s why it’s so important for companies to do their part and support mental health at work.

At MM-Eye, mental health fits perfectly with our values. We focus on positive change, sustainability, and helping everyone who is connected to our business. Our work is guided by four main ideas: People, Planet, Profit, and Partnership. This means we want to make a real difference for everyone—whether it’s our team, our clients, or the wider community. We believe a successful business is one that cares about mental health as much as it cares about making a profit. Our employee ownership model shows this, as it gives everyone a voice and a say in shaping our future.

This World Mental Health Day, we are spotlighting our “Positive Change” initiative. These groups focus on things like well-being and personal growth, which are super important for creating a happy and healthy team. We try to make it easy for people to keep learning, support programs that help mental wellness, and make sure there are places where people can speak up and share their thoughts. This way, everyone feels heard and appreciated.

Around 60% of employees still feel uncomfortable talking about their mental health at work. This stigma can stop them from asking for help when they really need it. That’s why we want to break down these walls and make sure people feel safe to talk about their struggles, big or small.

Plus, we’re proud of our B-Corp certification because it proves that we care about running a business in a way that’s responsible and has a good impact on the world. Mental health is a huge part of that promise.

By taking care of mental health, we’re investing in our people and making sure they stay strong and motivated to deliver the best results for our clients. To us, World Mental Health Day isn’t just about one day—it’s about making well-being a daily priority.

If you’re interested in learning more about MM-Eye and how we support our people and how we can help you support yours, contact us today at or use the form below to book a consultation. Let’s keep working together to build workplaces where mental health matters, making a positive impact for everyone.


From Innovation to Oblivion: E-Waste and the Tech Industry’s Environmental Challenge

From Innovation to Oblivion: E-Waste and the Tech Industry’s Environmental Challenge

From Innovation to Oblivion: E-Waste and the Tech Industry’s Environmental Challenge

September 2024, by Matias Van der Heijden

With the release of the new iPhone 16 and 16 pro announced, the already over-saturated market of mobile devices gets some new contenders. Now for anyone choosing a new phone has a sea of options to choose from. So, how are people meant to choose?

Apple is fortunate to be in a position where people will be purchasing from them for the foreseeable, thanks to the ecosystem that they have created. However, this ecosystem has been plagued by a certain issue for years. This issue is the lightning connector.

As Apple announced its devices this year, it became apparent that all devices are now switched to USB-C. However, for some devices, such as the AirPods Max, this is the only upgrade.

Apple only recently switched from its own lightning cables after the EU introduced legislation to prevent e-waste. They have been using lightning connectors since 2012, which has meant that for years, people have been buying lightning cables. With a multitude of other electronics using USB-C as the industry standard, many have been doubling up on buying USB cables along with their lightning connectors.

I’m sure many of us have experienced a cable that stops working, or we may lose a cable somewhere, resulting in us buying a new cable. However, the old one becomes e-waste. Apple produced a huge amount of e-waste thanks to their decision as a company to hang onto the lightning cable until they were forced to switch by new regulations. This switch also produced more, as Apple made the executive decision to be “greener” by not providing a charging block with phones anymore. This only caused more issues, though, as the new cables provided with phones were double-ended USB-C, meaning that they would not plug into your previous Apple charging brick. This decision meant that all the old charging bricks became e-waste, even though they could have been used if Apple had decided to use a USB-A to USB-C cable in its place.

Although there are a lot of negatives to be mentioned, there are some positives. Apple has now got a system that allows you to recycle your previous devices for a discount on your new purchase. This is great, as it means that less lithium needs to be mined to produce batteries, doing at least a small part to lower the impact of this incredibly harmful industry. The recycling also helps with the other parts that have various production methods, so all in all it’s an incredible system to have in place.

This isn’t solely Apple’s idea, though, as there are many options from other companies like Samsung and independent stores, such as Back Market, which refurbish devices to resell and, therefore, be re-used.

E-waste has been a rising issue in recent times, with there being almost 350-million tonnes of e-waste on earth and only 17% of that being recycled. With annual e-waste estimated to be worth over $60 billion. As technology improves more and more, it is likely these numbers only increase in the future as people gather up to get the new, sleekest, fastest devices. However, as more e-waste is produced, the materials are lost. This means that not only is this bad for the environment, but it is also bad for consumers. With the decline in resources available, these new devices will likely become more expensive to purchase and repair.

This is why there is now more pressure from consumers for electronic manufacturers to become environmentally friendly. New contenders in the market are providing what people want. Fairphone is a good example of this, as they use replaceable batteries, recycled materials and are e-waste neutral. This means that for every 225g phone they make, they use 225g of recycled materials.

These new greener companies are coming up in more sectors of the tech industry too, with companies such as Framework producing laptops that are largely recycled materials, with replaceable components for almost the entire device, so that they can be used for longer.

At MM-Eye, we’ve seen first-hand through our Say Do Sustainability Study (SDSS) that consumer priorities have shifted dramatically, especially regarding sustainability in tech. It’s no longer just about the latest features or the sleekest design—consumers are looking for brands that align with their environmental values. SDSS has shown that consumers expect more transparency and responsibility from tech companies, and they’re willing to switch brands for more sustainable options. Brands like Fairphone and Framework are great examples of businesses that are thriving by meeting this demand for greener technology.

For companies that want to stay ahead of the curve, it’s key to understand how consumers perceive your sustainability efforts. At MM-Eye we provide invaluable insights into these consumer attitudes, helping you align your strategies with what truly matters to your audience.

If you’re in the tech industry and looking to strengthen your appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, contact us at or use the form below to book a consultation.



The Good, The Bad, and The Unseen in the Dog Food Industry

The Good, The Bad, and The Unseen in the Dog Food Industry

The Good, The Bad, and The Unseen in the Dog Food Industry

September 2024, by Matias Van der Heijden

The debate of dogs versus cats is a highly contested topic, with many people leaning strongly towards one side. Even the most hardcore cat lovers should be able to appreciate the world’s favourite furry friends. Here at MM-Eye, we are surrounded by pets at home, and we are heavily split over this debate. But regardless of our standing on the debate, we all agree that all pets have to eat…

Pet food is a massive market in the UK, with the market worth a whopping £4 billion in the UK alone. This is covered by massive corporations such as Mars and Nestle, alongside a plethora of smaller businesses. Unfortunately, a large amount of pet food you will find in your local supermarket is not ideal for your pets, as they are filled with unnecessary carbs and can contain unsafe ingredients. Legislation exists for what can be in pet food. However, this legislation still allows many potentially harmful ingredients, such as artificial preservatives/colourings and propylene glycol, which all have shown links to health issues, including Cancer.

Aside from just the health issues, there is always a sustainability concern in the current age. Using by-products from meat that is being farmed for human consumption is a great way to keep dog food sustainable. However, the quality of by-products can vary greatly, with some containing diseased meats that can harm your beloved friends. Even if you read the ingredients to find a product suitable for your pet, you still have no idea about where the ingredients come from. There is nothing to tell you whether the salmon in your pet’s food is caught from wild fishing or from an overloaded fish farm.

All of this has led to many people’s lack of trust in large companies that produce pet food, and we pet owners are turning to smaller farm-based companies that feel more trustworthy. Many of these companies have sustainable practices that cater to the vast amount of environmentally conscious pet owners who want to try their best to make positive change. A great example of one of the companies that cater to this is Laughing Dog Food, a farm bakery that produces grain-free natural dog food, from wet food to dog treats. The company is proud to be sustainable, using solar power to power their farm and recyclable packaging.

So, if you’re a dog owner looking for the best food for your dog, luckily, there are plenty of tools around to help you decide what to feed your dog. I would personally recommend AllAboutDogFood, a website that will help you choose your pet’s food based on its size, breed and budget.

At MM-Eye, we understand the growing importance of sustainability, especially for consumers who are increasingly prioritising eco-friendly and transparent practices in every sector, including pet food. Our Say Do Sustainability Study (SDSS) has shown that consumer trust is heavily influenced by the alignment between a company’s sustainability claims and its actual practices. This is particularly true for environmentally-conscious pet owners, who want assurance that the products they buy not only benefit their pets but also reflect their values around sustainability. Brands that take active steps to communicate their sustainability efforts effectively can build stronger, long-term relationships with their consumers, ensuring loyalty in an increasingly competitive market.

If you are in the industry looking for ways to become more sustainable and trustworthy as a company, then I would recommend getting in contact with our team and receiving some insights that could power your positive change. If you’re interested in learning more about how MM-Eye can help you improve how consumers see your business, contact us today at or use the form below to book a consultation.





The Art Of Better Communication With ThoughtScape™

The Art Of Better Communication With ThoughtScape™

The Art Of Better Communication With ThoughtScape™

September 2024, by MM-Eye 

The communications landscape is very competitive, and brands are constantly vying for consumer attention. The key to cutting through the noise is going beyond delivering a message and understanding how that message lands with your audience. At MM-Eye, we’ve developed ThoughtScape™, a tool that uses top-of-mind insights to help brands grasp how consumers perceive their communication. It leverages system-one thinking to capture immediate reactions and sentiments. ThoughtScape gives brands the data they need to refine their communication strategies and improve their advertising effectiveness.

Why Top-of-Mind Insights Matter

When consumers engage with a brand’s message, their initial, instinctive reactions are often the most revealing. These top-of-mind insights—what consumers think and feel at the moment they encounter an ad or communication—are critical for understanding how well the message is understood. Rather than focusing on after-the-fact reflections, which external factors can shape, ThoughtScape™ captures immediate, unfiltered responses, providing a direct line to the consumer’s genuine perceptions.

Unlike traditional surveys or focus groups, which rely on deeper, more considered responses, ThoughtScape™ taps into the raw, instinctive reactions that define consumer engagement. Understanding what’s top-of-mind for your audience, can help you identify whether your message is impactful, clear, and aligned with their expectations—giving you the insight needed to refine your approach.

How ThoughtScape Improves Communication and Advertising

  1. Pinpointing Message Clarity and Impact

One of the biggest challenges in advertising is ensuring that your message is both understood and memorable. ThoughtScape’s™ top-of-mind insights allow brands to assess whether their messaging is immediately clear to consumers or if it’s causing confusion. When a message fails to resonate, ThoughtScape™ provides data on the specific areas where communication is falling short, enabling brands to make targeted improvements.

For example, if an ad campaign for an eco-friendly product isn’t generating the expected response, ThoughtScape might reveal that consumers don’t fully understand the sustainability claims or find the message vague. With this insight, the brand can refine its messaging to be more straightforward and compelling, ensuring it lands as intended.

  1. Understanding Emotional Reactions

Advertising is about creating an emotional connection. ThoughtScape captures consumers’ immediate emotional responses, whether positive, negative, or indifferent, allowing brands to gauge how their messaging makes people feel. This is invaluable for brands seeking to engage their audience on a deeper, more personal level.

If a brand is running a heartfelt campaign designed to evoke feelings of nostalgia, ThoughtScape™ can determine whether that emotion is actually being triggered. If the data shows that the campaign isn’t generating the expected emotional response, the brand can adjust the tone, visuals, or messaging to create a more emotionally resonant experience.

  1. Refining Audience Targeting

Different consumer segments respond to messaging in other ways. ThoughtScape’s™ top-of-mind insights allow brands to see how various audience demographics react to their communication, enabling them to tailor messages more effectively. Understanding what resonates with specific groups—whether it’s age, gender, or geographic location—can help brands create more targeted and personalised communication strategies.

If a fashion brand finds that its sustainability messaging is more impactful with younger audiences but needs to be communicated differently to engage older consumers, ThoughtScape™ provides the insights needed to adjust the tone or language to better engage each demographic.

What This Means for Our Clients

For our clients, ThoughtScape offers an invaluable tool for refining communication strategies and optimising advertising effectiveness. By focusing on top-of-mind insights, ThoughtScape provides a clear picture of how consumers react to messaging in the moment, allowing brands to

  • Pinpoint areas where communication is unclear or ineffective and adjust the message to improve clarity and engagement.
  • Understand the emotional responses triggered by your ads, helping you refine your messaging to build stronger consumer connections.
  • Tailor your messaging to specific audience segments based on real-time insights, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.
  • Monitor campaign performance as it unfolds, allowing for agile adjustments that enhance overall impact.

At MM-Eye, we’re dedicated to helping our clients understand what matters to their audience and deliver insights about what consumers really think.

Understanding how consumers perceive and react to your messaging is key to crafting impactful advertising campaigns. ThoughtScape™ offers a window into the instinctive, top-of-mind insights that drive consumer engagement.

If you’re interested in learning how ThoughtScape can help you optimise your communication strategies and improve your advertising, contact us today at or use the form below to book a consultation.

You can find more insight articles on ThoughtScape here


Zero Waste Week: Tackling Waste as a Collective

Zero Waste Week: Tackling Waste as a Collective

Zero Waste Week: Tackling Waste as a Collective

September 2024, by Blessing Olaoye

Today marks the end of this year’s Zero Waste Week. So, what exactly is Zero Waste Week? Zero Waste Week serves the purpose of reminding us of our responsibility to reduce day-to-day waste. As we become more aware of the impact waste has on our planet, the week highlights the importance of minimising waste. It encourages us all to shift towards a more sustainable way of living.

It’s very easy to assume that reducing waste lies only with one group; however, this is not true. It requires a collective effort from individuals and businesses. Businesses can play a vital role in advancing the zero-waste movement. Some businesses are key players in producing and distributing goods, and they have the power to influence their consumers to be more mindful of their consumption.

At MM-Eye, we’ve seen firsthand through our Say Do Sustainability Study (SDSS) that consumers are increasingly looking to businesses to lead by example in sustainability efforts. They expect brands to offer eco-friendly products and demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices throughout their operations, including waste reduction. This alignment with consumer values is not just beneficial for the planet—it’s important for building trust and loyalty.

There are many businesses already stepping up and implementing zero waste practices to help minimise waste within their business. Here are some of the ways businesses can work towards this:

  1. Moving away from single-use packaging in favour of reusable/biodegradable alternatives.
  2. Encouraging employees to engage in zero waste initiatives they can apply both at work and at home – this can be through organising workshops or training sessions on zero waste practices.
  3. Engage in sustainable partnerships by choosing suppliers and partners who are also committed to sustainable practices.
  4. Encourage remote work where possible, reducing the need for large office spaces and associated waste. Use virtual meeting tools to cut down on the need for business travel, reducing both waste and emissions.

Zero Waste Week is a powerful reminder that everyone, including businesses, shares the responsibility to reduce waste. For our clients, understanding the consumer perspective on sustainability is important for staying relevant and competitive. Our SDSS data highlights that consumers are paying attention to businesses’ sustainability claims and scrutinising the actions taken to back those claims.

Aligning your business practices with your consumers’ values can build stronger, more loyal relationships and contribute positively to the environment. At MM-Eye, we help businesses understand these consumer expectations and translate them into actionable strategies. Our insights from the SDSS can guide your efforts to adopt zero-waste practices that resonate with your consumers and support long-term business success.

If you’re interested in learning more about how MM-Eye can help you align your sustainability strategies with consumer expectations, contact us today at or use the form below to book a consultation.


MM-Eye’s Tips for a Sustainable Start to the School Year

MM-Eye’s Tips for a Sustainable Start to the School Year

MM-Eye’s Tips for a Sustainable Start to the School Year

September 2024, by Katie Brown

At MM-Eye, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our professional work—it’s a core part of our culture and values. We believe that making responsible, eco-friendly choices isn’t just for businesses; it’s something that can be embraced in every aspect of life, including how we prepare for a new school year. As a team deeply involved in understanding consumer behaviours and their impact on the environment, we’re always looking for ways to promote sustainable practices in everyday life.

We have a unique opportunity to influence the next generation by teaching them the importance of environmental responsibility. That’s why we’re sharing this guide to help families make eco-conscious choices as they gear up for the new school year. It’s not just about buying green products; it’s about instilling values that align with a more sustainable future.

As summer draws to a close and the excitement of a new school year builds, more of us are becoming aware of the impact our choices have on the environment. If you’re a parent or student keen to make a difference, why not start the school year with a green twist? Here’s a handy guide filled with sustainable ideas to help you go back to school in an eco-friendly way.

Green School Supplies

The start of the school year often means buying new supplies, but it doesn’t have to cost the earth:

  • Recycle and Reuse: Before you dash to the shops, take stock of last year’s supplies. If last year’s folders, notebooks, and pens are still in decent condition, reuse them. You can always jazz them up with some new stickers to give them a fresh feel.
  • Eco-Friendly Stationery: When it’s time to buy new, go for items made from recycled or sustainable materials. Think recycled paper notebooks, bamboo pens, or pencils crafted from sustainable wood.


Sustainable Backpacks and Lunch Gear

Get your school gear sorted with eco-friendly choices:

  • Eco-Conscious Backpacks: Look out for backpacks made from recycled materials or natural fibres like organic cotton or hemp.
  • Reusable Lunch Containers: Ditch the single-use plastic bags in favour of reusable silicone snack bags or stainless-steel containers. They’re sturdy, dishwasher-safe, and help reduce plastic waste.
  • Eco-Friendly Water Bottles: A stainless steel or BPA-free reusable water bottle is a sound investment. Not only do they keep drinks cold, but they also help cut down on single-use plastic.


Clothing: Opt for Sustainable Fashion

Kids grow fast, and new clothes are a must, but they don’t have to be harmful to the environment:

  • Buy Second-Hand: Charity shops and online platforms are gold mines for gently used clothing at a fraction of the price. It’s an eco-friendly way to update wardrobes without feeding the fast fashion machine.
  • Organic and Fair-Trade Brands: If you’re buying new, opt for clothing made from organic cotton, hemp, or bamboo. These materials use less water and fewer chemicals. Check for Fair Trade certifications to ensure your purchases are ethically made.
  • School Uniform Sales: Keep an eye out for uniform sales organised by your school. Many parents donate outgrown uniforms, and when there’s enough, the school might hold a sale. If your school’s PTA hasn’t started this yet, why not suggest it?


Eco-Friendly Transport

How you get to school can also make a big difference:

  • Walk or Bike to School: If you’re close enough, walking or biking is a great way to get some exercise and cut down on your carbon footprint.
  • Carshare: If walking or biking isn’t an option, consider carsharing with other parents. Fewer cars on the road means fewer emissions.
  • Use Public Transport: For older kids, using public transport is a brilliant way to reduce traffic and pollution.


Helping Our Clients Set the Tone For A Sustainable School Year

Kicking off the school year with an eco-friendly approach is a fantastic way to make a positive impact. By making small, sustainable choices, you’re not only helping the planet but also teaching your children the importance of environmental responsibility. Give these tips a go and set the tone for a green and mindful school year ahead!

At MM-Eye, we’re dedicated to helping our clients understand the values and behaviours driving today’s consumers, especially when it comes to sustainability. We know that these small, everyday decisions collectively make a big impact. If you’re interested in learning more about how our insights can help align your brand with consumer expectations, contact us at or use the form below to book a consultation.




Why Consumer-Based Sustainability Metrics Matter More Than Ever

August 2024, by MM-Eye

No matter what business you’re in or how far along you are in your sustainability journey, focusing solely on science-based metrics isn’t enough. To truly connect with the new generation of values-driven consumers, you need to understand how your sustainability efforts are perceived by the people who matter most—your customers. This is where consumer-based metrics come into play.

The Importance of Consumer-Based Metrics

Science-based metrics are fundamental for ensuring that your sustainability initiatives are grounded in environmental reality, but they only tell part of the story. Consumers today are more informed and discerning than ever. They expect brands to make sustainability promises and deliver on them in a transparent and authentic way. This expectation creates an essential need for consumer-based metrics, which measure how well your sustainability actions align with consumer perceptions and values.

At MM-Eye, we’ve developed the Say Do Sustainability Study (SDSS) Index to do just that. Our SDSS Index is all about understanding brands from the consumer’s perspective. It surpasses traditional measures to evaluate how consumers perceive your brand’s sustainability efforts, how much they trust those efforts, and whether they believe your brand is genuinely committed to making a positive impact.

The SDSS Index includes two key components: the Say Do Gap Index and the Positive Action Index. The Say Do Gap Index measures the alignment between what brands say about their sustainability efforts and what they actually do. The Positive Action Index evaluates how proactive a brand is in addressing environmental and social issues based on consumer perceptions. Together, these indexes provide a comprehensive picture of how well a brand’s sustainability actions resonate with its audience.

The Dangers of Green Hushing: The Other Side of the Same Coin

While consumer-based metrics are essential for measuring how well your sustainability efforts align with customer expectations, they also highlight under-communication risks—known as green hushing. Green hushing occurs when brands, out of fear of backlash or scrutiny, choose to underplay or even hide their sustainability efforts. Though this may seem like a way to avoid criticism, it can be a major pitfall, especially in the eyes of consumers.

Consumers today aren’t just looking for brands that say they’re sustainable; they’re looking for transparency and authenticity. They want to see that a brand’s actions match its words, and they’re increasingly using this as a criterion for their purchasing decisions. Under-communicating your sustainability initiatives means you miss out on building trust and loyalty with your consumers. Worse, you risk being perceived as indifferent or untrustworthy, particularly if competitors are more open and proactive.

Green hushing and consumer-based metrics are two sides of the same coin. Both revolve around the issue of transparency and communication. Where consumer-based metrics can show how well you’re meeting consumer expectations, green-hushing creates the risks of failing to communicate your sustainability efforts effectively.

What This Means for Our Clients

Understanding and leveraging consumer-based sustainability metrics will help our clients stay competitive. The MM-Eye SDSS Index can give you deep insights into how your brand’s sustainability efforts are perceived by your target audience. This knowledge empowers you to align your strategies with consumer expectations, ensuring that your sustainability message is both clear and compelling.

Our SDSS Index helps you identify where you’re excelling and where there’s room for improvement. It provides actionable insights that allow you to fine-tune your sustainability initiatives and communication strategies to build stronger connections with your audience, enhance brand loyalty, and ultimately drive business success.

Introducing the Next Wave of SDSS

As we move into Q3/4, MM-Eye is planning the next wave of our Say Do Sustainability Study. This upcoming phase will refine and expand our consumer-based metrics, providing even deeper insights into how well brands are meeting the sustainability challenge from the consumer’s point of view.

We invite you to join us for a discussion on consumer-based metrics. Participating in the next wave of SDSS will help you better understand your brand’s position in the marketplace and discover new opportunities to improve your sustainability performance.

It’s not enough to rely solely on science-based metrics anymore you also need to understand how your efforts are perceived by consumers and communicate them effectively to avoid the pitfalls of green hushing.

The MM-Eye SDSS Index offers a powerful tool for aligning your sustainability strategy with consumer expectations, helping you build a responsible and trusted brand.

If you’re interested in learning more about our Say Do Sustainability Study and how it can benefit your business, contact us today at or use the form below to book a consultation.


The Future of Insight & Research: Embracing Innovation At MM-Eye

The Future of Insight & Research: Embracing Innovation At MM-Eye

The Future of Insight & Research: Embracing Innovation At MM-Eye

August 2024, by MM-Eye

With the rapid advancements in technology across various sectors, it would be remiss of us here at MM-Eye not to consider the future of our own industry. At MM-Eye, we dedicate significant time to talking to suppliers and clients to understand how new innovations can enhance the value we provide. To stay ahead of the curve, we ensure that our methods remain cutting-edge, effective, and aligned with the needs of businesses and consumers alike. Here are some of the key innovations shaping the future of research and insights.


  1. Virtual Reality Focus Groups

One of the most exciting research developments is using virtual reality (VR) to conduct focus groups. Traditional focus groups, while valuable, can sometimes be limited by physical location and participant availability. VR overcomes these barriers by allowing participants from around the globe to engage in a shared, immersive environment, providing a more dynamic and interactive experience. This innovation enhances participant engagement and enables researchers to observe and analyse behaviour in a controlled, simulated environment that closely mimics real-world settings.

For our clients, VR focus groups mean richer, more nuanced insights. The ability to simulate different scenarios, from shopping experiences to product usage, allows us to capture real-time reactions and behaviours that are more reflective of how consumers would act in the real world.


  1. AI-Supported Insights

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the research industry by enabling faster and more in-depth data analysis. AI tools can process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, identifying patterns, trends, and correlations that human analysts might miss. This capability is particularly valuable in sentiment analysis, where AI can analyse social media posts, customer reviews, and other textual data to gauge public opinion and identify emerging trends.

At MM-Eye, we are harnessing the power of AI to enhance the precision and depth of our insights. For our clients, this means faster turnaround times, more comprehensive analysis, and the ability to stay ahead of market trends. AI allows us to deliver accurate and predictive insights, helping our clients anticipate changes in consumer behaviour and adjust their strategies accordingly.


  1. Mobile Ethnography

Another exciting innovation is mobile ethnography, which leverages smartphones to capture real-time consumer behaviour. Unlike traditional ethnographic studies, which require researchers to be physically present, mobile ethnography allows participants to document their experiences using their mobile devices. This method provides a more authentic and unobtrusive way to observe consumer behaviour, as participants can record videos, take photos, and provide commentary as they go about their daily lives.

For clients, mobile ethnography offers a window into their consumers’ everyday experiences, providing deep insights into how their products or services fit into consumers’ lives. At MM-Eye, we have recently conducted in-home mobile ethnography studies in the US and China, where we captured rich, contextual data that would have been difficult to obtain through traditional methods. These studies allowed us to observe cultural nuances and real-time decision-making processes, offering our clients a more nuanced understanding of how their products and services are used and perceived in different markets.


  1. Machine Learning for Predictive Analysis

Machine learning, a subset of AI, is being increasingly used in predictive analysis to forecast future trends and behaviours based on historical data. By training algorithms on large datasets, machine learning models can accurately predict outcomes, allowing companies to make proactive, data-driven decisions.

In consumer research, machine learning can predict how a target audience might respond to a new product or marketing campaign. At MM-Eye, we integrate machine learning into our research processes to provide clients with forward-looking insights. This enables them to anticipate market shifts, optimise product offerings, and tailor marketing strategies to maximise impact.

At MM-Eye, we integrate machine learning into our research processes to deliver forward-looking insights. Our in-house data analytics team, including two Level 7 qualified AI data scientists, is equipped with advanced AI tools. This expertise allows us to develop tailored models that meet our client’s specific needs. From crafting bespoke analytics solutions to creating interactive dashboards and running complex simulations, our data team ensures clients receive actionable insights that drive informed decisions and keep them ahead of market trends.


  1. Scaled Qualitative Approaches

Scaled qualitative (qual) research is an innovation that allows us to gather deep insights into consumer behaviour on a much larger scale than traditional methods. Historically, qualitative research has been known for its depth but also for its limitation in scale due to the time and resources required for data collection and analysis. However, with advancements like AI-powered coding, this barrier is being overcome, enabling qualitative insights to be gathered and analysed across vast datasets.

At MM-Eye, we leverage our proprietary ThoughtScape™ tool, which uses AI to code and analyse qualitative data at scale. This means we can process large volumes of open-ended responses, interview transcripts, and other qualitative inputs more efficiently and with greater consistency. By scaling up qualitative research, we can uncover patterns, sentiments, and consumer motivations that might otherwise go unnoticed in smaller studies.


What This Means for Our Clients

The innovations discussed above represent just a glimpse into the future of research and insights. At MM-Eye, we are committed to staying at the forefront of these developments, ensuring that our clients benefit from the most advanced and effective research methods available.

Whether you want to better understand your customers, anticipate market trends, or enhance your product offerings, MM-Eye is here to help. Our expertise in cutting-edge research techniques ensures that you have the information you need to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

The future of research and insights is bright, with technology driving significant advancements that are transforming how we gather and analyse data. At MM-Eye, we are excited about these changes and are fully committed to leveraging them to deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients.

If you’re interested in learning more about how these innovations can benefit your business, contact us today at or use the form below to book a consultation.


Why You Should Think About a Materiality Assessment

Why You Should Think About a Materiality Assessment

Why You Should Think About A Materiality Assessment

August 2024, by MM-Eye

Conducting a materiality assessment is one of the foundational steps for companies, brands, and organisations striving to become more sustainable. This pivotal process helps identify what truly matters to your business and aligns your sustainability efforts with the expectations of consumers and stakeholders.

What is a Materiality Assessment?

A materiality assessment is a strategic tool used by organizations to identify and prioritise the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues that are most relevant—or “material”—to their business operations. The process involves gathering insights from a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, employees, and suppliers. Understanding which sustainability issues are most important to these groups, companies can focus their efforts on areas that will have the most significant impact, both in terms of business performance and social responsibility.

At its core, a materiality assessment is about listening. It’s about engaging with your stakeholders to understand their concerns, expectations, and values. For example, consumers may prioritise issues like reducing plastic packaging, ethical sourcing, or waste reduction, while internal stakeholders might be more focused on governance and long-term risk management. A materiality assessment assists in identifying where these priorities intersect and diverge, enabling businesses and organizations to develop a sustainability strategy that is effective and aligned with stakeholder expectations.

How Materiality Assessments Help Understand What’s Important for Consumers

Conducting a materiality assessment provides valuable insights into what truly matters to your consumers. Our own sustainability study (SDSS) shows that consumers are more informed and values-driven than ever before. They are increasingly making purchasing decisions based on a brand’s sustainability practices, and they expect transparency about how companies are addressing key issues.

A materiality assessment allows you to tailor your messaging and actions to meet your consumer base’s expectations by identifying the sustainability topics that resonate most with them. Whether it’s a commitment to reducing plastic waste, ensuring fair labour practices in your supply chain, or minimising your carbon footprint, understanding consumer priorities is fundamental to building brand loyalty and trust.

Materiality assessments can also reveal emerging trends and concerns that may not yet be on your radar. Understanding the perspective of consumers and other important stakeholders will ensure that your company stays ahead of the curve, adapting to changes in consumer sentiment and expectations before they impact your bottom line.

How MM-Eye Can Help

At MM-Eye, we specialise in conducting materiality assessments that go beyond the basics. Our model is designed to engage with both consumers and stakeholders alike, providing a holistic view of what matters most. We use our strong experience in market research to gather qualitative and quantitative data, ensuring that the insights we deliver are actionable and aligned with your strategic goals.

Our materiality assessment model is rooted in deep consumer and stakeholder understanding. We dig deeper to expose the underlying motivations and concerns that drive stakeholder behaviour. This allows us to provide you with a clear roadmap for integrating sustainability into your business strategy in a way that resonates with your audience and adds value to your brand.

Whether you’re just starting your sustainability journey or looking to refine your existing strategy, MM-Eye can help you identify the issues that matter most to your business and its stakeholders so you can make informed decisions that enhance your sustainability performance, strengthen stakeholder relationships, and drive long-term success.

If you’re ready to take the next step toward sustainability, contact us today at or use the form below to book a consultation.