Consumers are becoming more demanding of brands taking positive action to improve their environmental and social impact.  It is vital that your communications support the actions your business is taking and help inform consumer choice.

Our own research tells us that brand consideration is directly linked to positive perceptions of sustainability.  However, nearly a fifth of consumers do not know anything about brands’ sustainability credentials. Even when they do hear about it many consumers are sceptical about brands’ claims and struggle to be convinced by the messages they receive.

At MM-Eye we conduct research to measure how your marketing communications can help change the perception of your brand in terms of behaviour, attitude and opinion.

Metrics alone won’t tell you this. In our restless pursuit of truth, we provide the missing piece of the jigsaw. How does your audience engage with the work emotionally? And we deliver the insight to explain the results.

We’ve developed our own approach – ThoughtScapeTM. A unique approach that harnesses the power of a person’s stream of consciousness. It enables us to tell you what people really think.

We focus on understanding hearts and minds, rather than counting eyeballs and clicks. It’s how your marketing communications should be measured.